Transition Preparedness Survey by TimH|Published 19 June 2020 Welcome to your Transition - Adult Clinic Info I speak up for myself and can tell health professionals what I needDeselect Answer Yes No None I have a GP I feel connected to and will continue to see as an adultDeselect Answer Yes No None I know the type of doctors I will need to see as an adultDeselect Answer Yes No None I know that I have a right to bring a “support person” with me to clinicsDeselect Answer Yes No None I know that I need to ask about the process for obtaining on-going prescriptions in adult servicesDeselect Answer Yes No None I know I need to ask about the level of support that is provided to patients and how to access this support between clinicsDeselect Answer Yes No None I know I need to ask about the process for rescheduling clinic appointmentsDeselect Answer Yes No None I know where my adult service is locatedDeselect Answer Yes No None I know my planned date of transferDeselect Answer Yes No None Time's up