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Supporting the New Zealand Adult Congenital Heart Community




The Pregnancy Heart Team

It’s all about teamwork!
When you are pregnant with a heart condition you will need a team of specialists to make sure that you and your baby have the best possible outcomes. The team all have different skills, and will work together from early in your pregnancy. They will monitor your health, make any changes that are needed, and make careful plans for your labour and delivery. Remember that the most important member of this team is you! It’s vital that you keep in close touch with the people in your team, make sure you come to your appointments, and let us know if something changes or if it feels like things are not right.
Is a specialist in looking after women who are pregnant and have other medical conditions. They look after women who have many types of medical problems, for example with their kidneys, liver or other organs, but in your case it will mean your heart. They will work together with your cardiologist to make sure that you stay healthy during your pregnancy.
Obstetricians are experts in pregnancy. They are the ones who will help to plan and perform your labour and delivery. If you need a C-section, the obstetrician is the one who will perform this operation.

Midwives are specialist nurses who are trained to look after women and their babies during their pregnancy, labour and delivery. Most women will have a midwife from early in their pregnancy who will be involved in their care all the way through to when they deliver their baby.

These specialist doctors are the ones who will perform your anaesthetic if you need one during your labour and delivery. This can be an epidural anaesthetic or in some cases a general anaesthetic. Usually the team will help you to make a plan well in advance to decide what type of pain relief and anaesthetic you will have.

Cardiologists are specialist heart doctors who will help to monitor your heart condition during your pregnancy. You will probably know your cardiologist quite well by now and in many cases it will be your usual cardiologist who keeps looking after you through your pregnancy, but sometimes another cardiologist with particular pregnancy expertise may help out. Before you try for a baby, your cardiologist will be able to advise you about how your heart may affect you and your baby, and any potential risks during a pregnancy.